Equal Opportunity Office Professional with a disability in the workplace About the Office The State Equal Opportunity Office is charged with providing training and technical assistance requested by any company doing business in Rhode Island and to all state departments as is necessary to comply with the intent of RIGL 28-5.1-2. The State Equal Opportunity Office is also charged with issuing any guidelines, directives or instructions necessary to effectuate its responsibilities under this chapter, and to investigate possible discrimination, hold hearings, and direct corrective action to said discrimination. Mission The mission of the State Equal Opportunity Office is to ensure equal opportunity compliance for all units of Rhode Island state government, as set forth by federal agencies and Rhode Island General Laws, and to ensure non-discrimination and equal opportunity in all aspects of state government, including, but not limited to, employment, procurement, and policy relative to state programs, services, and activities. Regulations RIGL 28-5 – Fair Employment Practices 220-RICR-80-05-1 - State of RI EOO Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Health Care Regulations and Procedures PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes 220-RICR-80-05-2 Rules of Practice and Procedure for Hearings on Complaints Issued by the State PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes 220-RICR-80-05-3 Equal Employment Opportunity PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes Please click on the link below to see a list of Statues for Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action in the Rhode Island General Law Chapter 28-5.1 RI General Law: Chapter 28-5.1 - Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Staff Contact State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Holley, Sean Administrator State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401)222-5813 Email: sean.holley@doa.ri.gov Mendoza, Victor Programming Services Officer Human Resource Outreach and Diversity Office (HROD), State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401) 222-3900 Email: Victor.Mendoza@doa.ri.gov Reyes, Darleen Programming Services Officer State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401) 222-1452 Email: darleen.reyes@doa.ri.gov
220-RICR-80-05-1 - State of RI EOO Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Health Care Regulations and Procedures PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes
220-RICR-80-05-2 Rules of Practice and Procedure for Hearings on Complaints Issued by the State PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes
Holley, Sean Administrator State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401)222-5813 Email: sean.holley@doa.ri.gov
Mendoza, Victor Programming Services Officer Human Resource Outreach and Diversity Office (HROD), State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401) 222-3900 Email: Victor.Mendoza@doa.ri.gov
Reyes, Darleen Programming Services Officer State Equal Opportunity Office (EOO) Phone: (401) 222-1452 Email: darleen.reyes@doa.ri.gov